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Success stories: Birtel Success stories: Birtel



Beer diversity has increased in recent years. Regional breweries are on the rise. If you want to succeed you have to have an impressive product, market it well and put your heart into it. Just like Daniel Gosteli and his team at Birtel.

The Birtel story began with a few students who brewed their own beer as a hobby in the Gundeldingen district of Basel. The beer was well received, but they didn’t want to turn their hobby into their profession. This is where Daniel Gosteli came in. As a beer lover and marketing expert, he saw the potential and decided to set up a small brewery on the Dreispitz site.

He thus made the switch from marketing for an outdoor company to a brewery. He had never thought about making his hobby his profession. Sustainability is close to his heart. That's why he wanted to grow ingredients like barley and malt locally. The first attempts at growing malting barley in the Basel region showed that he still has a long way to go before achieving the desired quality. Until then, Birtel is using imported products and is continuing to fine-tune its regional craft beers. Gosteli and his team believe that high-quality beers like the ones Birtel produces deserve the same appreciation as fine wines.

Interview with Birtel

What characterises Birtel beer?

«We produce craft beer with added value. Naturally, we brew high-quality special beers. But we want more too: we promote local production of the raw materials, are a member of ‹1% for the Planet› and organise clean-up days to clean and tidy streams in the region.»

Who do you brew the beer for?

«Naturally for everyone who likes good beer, enjoys discovering and also supports responsible consumption.»

What does sustainability mean to you?

«Sustainability has become a very ‹hackneyed› word. Of course, we are committed to environmentally conscious management. But without the image of ‹self-knitted socks›. Purposeful products also have to be fun.»

All success stories of «100 fürs Baselbiet»

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