Über uns

Corporate Governance Corporate Governance

Information policy

We provide open and honest answers to questions posed to us by relevant stakeholders within and outside of BLKB.

We regularly report on our business activities via various channels. We publish our annual results each year in February or March. The half-year results are published in July. Our Annual Report is written in German and, together with the Sustainability Report, is available at We draw up the Sustainability Report in both German and English in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

To the overview of our financial publications

The relevant dates for investors are available at a glance on our website. Media releases are distributed upon the publication of annual and half-year results, the Annual Report and the Sustainability Report, and also according to topicality and where so required. When communicating facts that could be of relevance to the share price (ad hoc publicity), we comply with the regulations of the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX). Our website contains an overview of all press releases published in recent years as well as a listing of releases with ad hoc relevance. By registering for the free “Medienmitteilungen und Ad hoc-Publizität” (“Media releases and ad hoc publicity”) newsletter, interested parties will also be sent new media releases by e-mail in a timely manner.

Legal Notices


By accessing the website of Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB), you declare that you understand and accept the following information and explanations. BLKB cannot give any assurance and does not accept any responsibility that the functions on this website will be accessible at all times without interruption and that the website is error-free and free of viruses or harmful components. The information published on this website may be changed at any time without prior notice.

Non-binding nature of the information

The information provided is intended as an initial guide for all interested parties and neither constitutes a request, nor an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any investment instruments or to engage in any other transactions or to conclude any legal transaction whatsoever. Likewise, it does not constitute a concrete investment proposal or other advice. All price information is considered non-binding. Prior to making any investment decisions, the advice of a knowledgeable financial advisor should be sought and an analysis of know-how, experience, investment objectives and financial circumstances should be carried out.

No representation is made as to the accuracy of information

BLKB has taken all reasonable care to ensure the accuracy and reliability of all information and data on this website. However, it does not warrant that the published data is up-to-date, correct and complete at all times. BLKB may change or delete all information and data at any time without prior notice.

Restrictions on use depending on country

The information on the BLKB website is intended for natural persons and legal entities (including partnerships and corporations) domiciled or with their registered office in Switzerland and is not intended for persons who, by virtue of their nationality, place of business, domicile or for other reasons, are subject to a legal system which prohibits foreign financial service providers from doing business there and freely offering financial instruments or which prohibits or restricts persons who are subject to it from accessing websites of foreign financial service providers. Persons who are subject to such legal systems are prohibited from accessing our website and the blog website and its publications. This applies, in particular, to persons in the US and all other states according to whose legal system the publication of information of foreign financial service providers is restricted or prohibited. The person accessing the website is responsible for obtaining information in this regard.

Copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights

All rights, in particular the copyright for all content as well as trademarks, are solely owned by BLKB unless stated otherwise. The unauthorised copying of texts, graphics, images, programs etc. will be prosecuted under criminal and/or civil law. The downloading or printing of individual pages or areas of the website is permitted for private purposes only. The reproduction, transmission, modification, linking or use of the website for public or commercial purposes is only permitted with the prior written consent of BLKB. The names “Kantonalbank” and “Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank” and the logo of the Kantonalbank are protected by law. No part of the website is designed in a way that confers a license or a right to use an image, a registered trademark, software or any other part of the website. In particular, no such rights are conferred by downloading parts of the website.

Content of the blog website

The BLKB blog expressly reserves the right to change, delete or temporarily refrain from publishing content at any time without notice, in whole or in part. BLKB rejects any responsibility for the content.


As far as legally permissible, BLKB does not accept any liability for damage and consequential damage caused by the use or the inability to use this website. Any liability claims against the BLKB blog due to tangible or intangible loss or damage, which arises due to access, use or failure to use the published information, or due to misuse of the connection or due to technical faults, are hereby excluded.


The BLKB website may contain third-party content and links to third-party websites. We have no control over their design and content. BLKB is not responsible and does not accept any liability and gives no warranties as to the accuracy, quality, completeness and lawfulness of the content of these websites nor as to whether they are up to date, and is not liable on any account for any loss or damage that may arise in connection with the access or inability to access such websites. Any connections to such websites, which may also contain restrictions on use depending on country, are established at the user’s own risk.

Data security / personal data

In the event that contact or communication takes place by electronic means, data is generally transmitted via an open network accessible to everyone. Data may be transmitted across national borders even if sender and recipient are located in Switzerland. It can therefore not be ruled out that any data transmitted in this way will be intercepted, viewed or modified by third parties or will be lost. If individual data packets are transmitted in encrypted form, the sender and recipient remain unencrypted and it cannot be ruled out that third parties may infer existing or future banking relationships. The principle of banking secrecy is therefore not adhered to. BLKB (and its employees) does not accept any liability in relation to the use of electronic channels. We draw your attention to the dangers of viruses and hacker attacks and therefore recommend that you always use the latest version of your browser/operating system and that you use up-to-date anti-virus software at all times. E-mails of unknown origin or unexpected attachments should never be opened.

If you decide to provide us with personal data via the internet or by e-mail, for example for us to correspond with you or process any orders, we will treat it in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Act and will not pass it on to third parties without your knowledge.

Cookies are required for interactive page elements (e.g. E-banking). The cookie technology allows a web server to store user-specific information on the user’s PC. Given that the web server does not have direct access to the user’s data storage devices, the browser needs to assume this function. The advantage of cookies is that the computer that was accessed leaves cookies on the user’s hard disk and, when the computer is next accessed, personal preferences of the user such as e-mail address, name or key topics can be found directly without the details having to be re-entered. This saves the visitor time online and costs.

BLKB uses cookies in its E-banking system for purposes of session management. The visitor’s computer is uniquely identified by way of a randomly generated number and verified each time it is accessed. This prevents a third party from impersonating the internet banking client. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary for cookies to be accepted on the user PC. The E-banking cookies are stored exclusively in the customer’s main memory and thus irrevocably deleted when the browser is closed or when the user logs out. Moreover, cookies cannot be viewed within the main memory. New cookies are set when you log in again.

However, you still have the option of adjusting your browser so that you are asked whether the cookie should be accepted or generally rejected. For further information, users can refer to the websites of the usual web browsers.

In addition, BLKB allows partner companies (e.g. Google advertising programs) that provide services for BLKB or are integrated on BLKB sites to set cookies insofar as this is technically necessary and the use of cookies is proportionate. BLKB cannot control the use of cookies outside of BLKB pages.

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and that allow your use of the website to be analysed. The information gathered by the cookie about your usage of this website is typically transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In the event that IP anonymisation has been activated on this website, however, your IP address will first be truncated by Google within Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA, where it will be abbreviated. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your usage of the website, compile reports about website activities and provide the website operator with further services related to website and internet usage. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. You can change the appropriate settings in your browser software to prevent cookies from being stored. However, we must point out that doing so may mean that you can no longer use the full features of the website. In addition, you can prevent the data generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) being sent to Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link.

For more detailed information on this please visit or (general information on Google Analytics and data protection). We would like to point out that, on this website, Google Analytics was extended by the code “gat._anonymizeIp();” to enable the anonymized capture of IP addresses (known as IP masking).

Severability clause

If any of the information and explanations provided are deemed invalid or unenforceable by a competent authority, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining information and explanations.

Governing law and place of jurisdiction

In the event that a legal relationship is established between the visitor to the website and BLKB, this shall be subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Liestal (Basel-Landschaft), Switzerland. BLKB has the right to commence proceedings against the visitor at the court with jurisdiction at the place of residence / registered office of the visitor or at any other court.

BLKB, April 2015

Privacy Statement

1. General

We kindly ask you to read and take note of the following privacy policy. You will learn how we collect and process personal data. “Personal data” means all details relating to a specific or identifiable person. “Processing” means any handling of personal data, regardless of the means and processes used, and in particular the procurement, storage, use, reworking, disclosure, archiving or destruction of personal data. BLKB publishes its privacy policy in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Act (Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz, DSG), which is currently under revision, and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018. Although the GDPR is a regulation of the European Union, it is relevant to BLKB for a number of reasons. Swiss data protection law has historically been closely aligned with the EU regulation. The revision of the DSG was strongly influenced by the GDPR. Apart from this, the GDPR lays down strict data protection standards, which may also require companies outside the European Union or the EEA to comply with GDPR provisions.

By providing this information, BLKB complies with its obligation to provide information regarding the collection and processing of personal data from data subjects. In addition to this overview, we would like to inform you about your rights under data protection law. Certain types of data processing, e.g. apps such as TWINT provided by BLKB, BLKB E-banking, Mobile Banking or BLKB’s social media presence are subject to additional provisions (e.g. general terms and conditions or terms of use). These are available on the respective websites or in the respective apps.

2. Data security

BLKB attaches great importance to data security. In addition to complying with the legal principles (including bank customer confidentiality, data protection law), BLKB takes a variety of precautions to protect your privacy, such as the implementation of technical and organisational security measures (including the use of authentication and encryption technology, restriction of access rights, personal accounts and passwords, firewalls, anti-virus protection, data leakage protection, raising awareness and providing training to employees).

3. Data controller / contact for the exercise of your rights / representatives

BLKB is the data controller for the processing of data described herein:
Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank
Rheinstrasse 7, P.O. Box
4410 Liestal

If you have any data protection concerns, please contact us under the following address:
Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank Datenschutz
Rheinstrasse 7, P.O. Box
4410 Liestal

The name and contact details of the EU representative are:
Menold Bezler Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Rheinstahlstrasse 3
70469 Stuttgart

If you are not satisfied with BLKB’s reaction, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in the country in which you live or work, or at the place where you believe the problem in relation to personal data has occurred.

4. Categories of personal data and origin

Which specific data we process about you depends on the services requested by you or agreed with us. BLKB processes as little personal data as possible. The customer data processed by BLKB can be divided into the following categories, in particular:

Master data such as, for example, surname, first name, postal and electronic addresses, date of birth, nationality, authentication data (e.g. specimen signatures or access to bank deposit box), contract number and duration, documents to verify the customer’s identity, information about the account, custody account, about completed transactions or about third parties such as civil partners, authorised persons and advisors who are involved in data processing.

Tax domicile and, where necessary, other tax-relevant documents and information.

Transaction or order and risk management data such as, for example, information about beneficiaries of transfers or card payments, beneficiary bank, instructions relating to the provision of banking services, details of your assets, origin of assets, investment products, risk and investment profile as well as other documentation data, fraud cases, credit rating data.

Records of telephone calls between you and BLKB.

Marketing data such as, for example, needs, wishes, preferences.

Technical data such as, for example, internal and external IDs, business numbers, IP addresses, access records or changes.

BLKB processes prospective or visitor data (i.e. visitors from branches or websites, among others). This mean, in particular:

Master data such as, for example, surname, first name, postal and electronic addresses, date of birth, telephone.

Technical data such as, for example, internal and external IDs, IP addresses, access records or changes.

Marketing data such as, for example, needs, wishes, preferences.

BLKB processes supplier data. This mean, in particular:

Master data such as, for example, surname, postal and electronic addresses, date of birth, contract number and duration, information about the account or about completed transactions.

Technical data such as, for example, internal and external IDs, business numbers, IP addresses, access records or changes.

For the purposes of clause 5, BLKB may collect personal data of the following origin:

Personal data provided to BLKB, e.g. in the context of the commencement of a new business relationship, a consultation, for products and services or on websites of BLKB.

Personal data that is generated as a result of the use of products or services and that is transmitted to BLKB via the technical infrastructure or by means of collaborative processes, e.g. in the case of websites, E-banking, apps, payment transactions, in securities trading or when cooperating with other financial or IT service providers or marketplaces and stock exchanges.

Personal data from third-party sources, e.g. land registers, commercial registers, the Central Office for Credit Information (ZEK), the Consumer Credit Information Office, authorities, other subsidiaries of BLKB or sanctions lists of the UN, SECO and the EU.

5. Purpose of the processing

BLKB may use the personal data described above for the processing of its own services as well as for its own or statutory purposes. This mean, in particular:
Customer registration procedures; the implementation, processing and administration of business relations and of products and services of a universal bank (e.g. ID checks, assessment of applications, loan decisions, financing, financial planning, payments, invoices, accounts, cards, investments, stock exchange, retirement planning, business formation, succession planning and insurance, digital services (including E-banking), customer service, communications, broker service, provision of advice, asset management).

Statistics, planning or product development, business-related decisions (e.g. defining KPIs regarding the use of services, utilisation ratios, transaction analyses, developing ideas for new or assessing or improving and reviewing existing products, services, processes, technologies, systems and returns).

Monitoring and managing risks, business management, new business establishments, timely business processing (e.g. fraud prevention; investment profiles; limits; market, credit or operational risks as well as system and product training).

Marketing, market research, comprehensive support, advice and information on the range of services, preparation and provision of tailor-made services (e.g. direct marketing; advertising in print and online; customer, prospective customer or cultural events; sponsoring; competitions; customer satisfaction surveys; future customer needs or behaviour; or assessment of customer, market or product potential).

Statutory or regulatory obligations to provide information or to report to courts, authorities, compliance with official orders (e.g. automatic exchange of information with foreign tax authorities, orders issued by FINMA, public prosecutors, in connection with money laundering and terrorist financing or in order to record and monitor communications), compliance with statutory or regulatory obligations.

Safeguarding the interests and asserting claims of BLKB in the event that claims are asserted against BLKB or bank customers, as well as safeguarding the safety of customers and employees.

Any other purposes of which we will notify you.

6. Bases for the data processing

Depending on which products and services BLKB may provide for you and the purpose for which the personal data is processed, the data processing is based on the following:
Initiation, conclusion or implementation of a contract and/or a business relationship with you for the performance of the obligations of BLKB under such contract and/or business relationship.
Where necessary to safeguard BLKB’s legitimate interests, e.g. statistics; planning or product development; business decisions; monitoring and managing risks; preserving evidence (including video surveillance), ensuring IT security, IT operations and building and facilities security, business checks, marketing, market research, providing comprehensive support, providing advice and information on the range of services, preparation and provision of customised services – unless an objection has been raised; safeguarding the interests and securing claims of BLKB, customers and employees.
Where necessary, in order to meet legal or regulatory obligations of BLKB or to perform tasks in the public interest. On the basis of your consent, if applicable. Consent obtained for any other reason, for example due to the provisions regarding bank customer confidentiality pursuant to the Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks (BankG), is not affected by this section.

7. Duration of storage

The duration of the storage of personal data is determined by legal retention obligations and/or the purpose of the respective data processing. In principle, BLKB stores personal data for the duration of the business relationship or contract term and then for a further five, ten or more years (depending on the applicable legal basis). This corresponds with the period for which legal claims can be asserted against BLKB. Ongoing or anticipated legal or supervisory proceedings may result in storage beyond this period.

8. Are you under an obligation to provide us with personal data?

If personal data processed by BLKB is required for the fulfilment of legal or regulatory obligations or for the initiation, conclusion or implementation of a contract and/or a business relationship with you, BLKB may not be able to accept you as a customer or provide a product or service to you if BLKB is unable to process this personal data. If this is the case, we will notify you accordingly. Anti-money-laundering provisions, in particular, require us to identify you by means of an ID card and, as part of that procedure, to process details such as name, date of birth, nationality, address and details regarding the ID card, etc.

9. Automated individual decision-making including profiling

BLKB reserves the right in the future to analyse and evaluate customer data (including data of any third parties involved, cf. clause 4) also automatically in order to identify key personal circumstances relating to the customer or to predict developments and to create customer profiles. These are primarily used for business checks and in order to provide individual advice, offers and information, which BLKB and its subsidiaries may make available to the customer. In the future, customer profiles may also lead to automated individual decisions, e.g. in order to automatically accept and execute customer orders in E-banking.
BLKB will make sure that a suitable point of contact is available if the customer wishes to comment on any automated individual decision and if such opportunity for comment is required by law.

10. Intended recipients of personal data and disclosure abroad

Within BLKB, entities that have access to your personal data are those that require it to initiate, conclude or implement a contract and/or business relationship, due to legal or regulatory obligations or for the performance of tasks in the public interest.
BLKB only discloses customer data to third parties in the following cases – depending on the type of products and services purchased:
In order to perform contracts, i.e. the use of products or services, e.g. to payees, beneficiaries, authorised agents, intermediaries as well as correspondent banks, other parties involved in a transaction, service providers, stock exchanges or marketplaces, reports of certain stock exchange transactions to international trade repositories.
With the customer’s consent, to subsidiaries for the purpose of providing comprehensive customer service and for outsourcing purposes.
Due to legal obligations, legal grounds of justification or official orders, e.g. to courts or regulatory authorities in the field of financial market or tax law or to the extent necessary to safeguard BLKB’s legitimate interests at home and abroad. The latter applies in particular in the event of legal action threatened or initiated by a customer against BLKB or public statements, to secure BLKB’s claims against a customer or third parties, in the collection of BLKB’s receivables from customers and to restore contact with the customer through the competent Swiss authorities after contact has been lost. This also includes the exchange of personal data with the Association for the Establishment of a Central Office for Credit Information (ZEK) and the Association for the Establishment of a Consumer Credit Information Office (IKO), inter alia within the framework of the Swiss Consumer Credit Act (KKG).
Commissioned data processors are third parties who process personal data on behalf of and for the purposes of BLKB, e.g. IT, marketing, sales or communication providers, collection agencies, anti-fraud offices, credit reference agencies or consultancies. If personal data is disclosed to such a commissioned data processor, the latter may only process the personal data received in the same way as BLKB itself. BLKB carefully selects its commissioned data processors and places them under a contractual obligation to maintain confidentiality, comply with the Swiss principle of banking secrecy and ensure the safety of personal data.
Personal data is transferred abroad if this is necessary to execute your orders (e.g. payment and securities orders) or if it is required by law (e.g. as part of the automatic exchange of information) or if you have given us your consent.

11. Rights

You have the right to information, rectification, deletion, restriction, objection and – where applicable – the right to data portability. In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint to a competent data supervisory authority (see clause 3). BLKB accepts requests for information in writing, together with a clearly legible copy of a valid official form of identification (e.g. passport, identity card) at the address stated in clause 3.
The rights of deletion and objection are not unrestricted rights. Depending on the individual case, overriding interests may make further processing necessary. BLKB examines each individual case and will notify you of the result. If personal data is processed for purposes of direct marketing, your right to object also extends to direct marketing, including profiling for marketing purposes. You can object to direct marketing at any time by sending BLKB a message to this effect (see clause 3).
If you have given your consent to the processing of personal data, you can revoke this at any time by contacting BLKB. Please note that such withdrawal is only effective for the future and not retrospectively. Any processing that has taken place prior to the withdrawal is not affected by this.
If BLKB fails to meet your expectations regarding the processing of personal data, if you want to complain about data protection practices of BLKB or if you wish to exercise your rights, please notify BLKB (see clause 3). This gives BLKB the opportunity, among other things, to examine your concerns and to make improvements where necessary. In order to support BLKB in responding to your request, you are asked to send us a message containing all the necessary information. BLKB will check and respond to your request within a reasonable period of time.
BLKB is obliged to process the personal data correctly and to keep it up to date. Please notify BLKB of any changes to your personal data via the usual means of communication.

12. Latest update of the privacy policy

The privacy policy was last updated in February 2020. It sets out the processing of personal data by BLKB. BLKB reserves the right to amend this privacy policy from time to time. In the event of such amendment BLKB will notify you in an appropriate manner in line with our usual means of communication, for example via the website

The legal notices under apply.
